The Spirit of the Crimson
Become a Friend of Harvard Cheerleading

Friends of Harvard Cheerleading was established during the summer of 1997 to serve as our primary support organization. We rely on our friends contributions for a substantial portion of our budget each year. All Friends receive our bi-annual e-newsletter and are invited to our annual Friends, Family and Alumni game in October of each year to meet current squad members and participate in pre-game activities. Additionally we are increasingly holding events around the country to bring our Friends together to celebrate the success and growth or our program! If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to the Friends of Harvard Cheerleading, you can mail checks (payable to Friends of Harvard Cheerleading) to:
Harvard Athletics
Attn: Friends of Harvard Cheerleading
65 North Harvard Street
Boston, MA 02136
To make your tax-deductible donation online, click the button below. From there, select "Cheerleading Club" in the "Select a Fund" drop-down box.
A Word from Our #1 Sponsor
"For years, as a faithful attendee of Harvard football, I looked down with admiration at our Harvard cheerleaders doing everything in their power to generate a palpable aura of support for our student athletes. Each year their energy and creative performance have grown and matured. In the last few years I have come to respect them as the talented and dedicated athletes that they are themselves.
Like, I am sure, the majority of alumni who have seen our cheerleaders, I simply assumed that they had the full support of the University. I came to understand that, while they may have the 'moral support' of Harvard, they, in fact, receive very little financial assistance. I was surprised to learn that this is a self-supporting student activity run on a shoestring and personal commitment. Therefore, I was moved to restart Friends of Harvard Cheerleading. With the support of many generous alumni and friends, we have begun to put Harvard Cheerleading on a sound footing and allow them to expand the program and enhance their representation of our University.
I want to thank all those who already helped support Harvard Cheerleading and ask you to join us in rewarding these great young Harvard students to remain the vital "Spirit of Harvard". Please consider making a contribution, large or small, to Friends of Harvard Cheerleading and then bring your voice to the next Harvard athletic contest you attend."
-J. Archer O'Reilly '65

Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the Friends of Harvard Cheerleading this year and in years past. We could not be the squad that we are today without your help, and we will never be able to fully express our gratitude to you. We especially invite you to come to a game when we are cheering, and we would love to meet the many of you whom we don't already know! We really couldn't do it without you!