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Tryouts for the 2023-2024 season have already occurred. Please keep up with the Harvard Cheerleading team on Instagram (@harvardcheerleading) for information for the 2024-2025 season.


Tryouts are open to Harvard students who will be enrolled full-time at Harvard University for the academic year. This included both undergraduate and graduate students. Try-outs will consist of jumps, cheers/chants, dances, stunting, and tumbling. All experience levels welcome! We will teach you everything you need to know at try-outs! Be sure to come in appropriate cheer attire (shorts, t-shirt, athletic shoes, hair tied back if applicable).


If you have any questions about tryouts, please email us at


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Cheer Team Columbia-1.jpg
50-Harvard Men's Basketball vs. Columbia - February 18, 2022- Dylan Goodman

What skills are required to tryout?

We don't require any specific skills to tryout, but cheerleading or gymnastics experience is encouraged. In the past, we have taken both people who have cheered their whole lives and beginners!


Does the squad award scholarships?

No Ivy League institution awards any kind of athletic or merit scholarships. Not even the football players receive scholarships. But don't stop reading yet. Harvard has probably the best need-based financial aid system in the country. If you need to receive financial aid in order to come here, then you will get it! Don't be afraid to apply because of the cost, because there is help, both at Harvard, and in outside scholarships that you can find nationally or in your community. If you have any questions, please reach out the Financial Aid Office.


Do you recruit prospective members like other athletics teams?

Harvard Cheerleading does NOT recruit prospective cheerleaders. We are happy to answer any questions you might have about the Harvard student experience and about our cheer team, but we unfortunately have no pull in the admissions process. To join our team, you must first be accepted to a Harvard program, and then tryout once you are enrolled as a student. 


What grades and extracurriculars do you need to get into Harvard?

We can't say that for sure, as there is no absolute formula (and we aren't admissions officers anyway). Generally, the admissions officers look for students who have done very well in their school's most challenging classes, who have good standardized test scores, and who have become involved in some way in their school and community. You don't necessarily need straight A's or a perfect score on the SAT (though they don't hurt of course), and you don't have to have discovered the cure for cancer. Most Harvard students aren't geniuses, but they are very hard workers. Check out the Admissions Office for more info and contact them with any questions about applying or to request an application.


If you want to come to Harvard, just do everything you can to do well in school and your activities! That's the best advice we can give you!


What sports do you cheer for?

We cheer at all home football games and basketball games. We will travel to certain games such as the annual Harvard-Yale football game and the Ivy Madness basketball tournament! We also compete at NCA College Nationals in Daytona, Florida each year.



What is the time commitment like? 

Our athletes are required to practice three times a week for 2 - 2.5 hours. We also ask that our athletes workout outside of practice at least once a week on their own. During football season, we will likely have a football game most weekends that last around 4-5 hours, and during basketball season we have games most weekend that last around two hours. Athletes are also asked to come back early from winter break during J-Term and to stay on campus for spring break to practice in preparation for our competition routine.


That being said, many of our members find time to balance schoolwork, cheer, and other extracurriculars as well! We have members participating in a wide variety of other groups on campus including cultural groups, intramural sports, community service groups, and student government. We do expect cheerleading to be your number one non-academic commitment, but otherwise we encourage our members to join other groups as well.


How much does it cost to be on the team?

Generally, we ask that each of our members pay a personal contribution  of $250 per semester to help cover the costs of uniforms, Nationals, travel, and other fees. The Club Sports office does offer financial aid for our athletes who would like some financial support to cover the cost of being on the team.


Top photo is taken by Ronnie Mesa. Additional photos are by taken Dylan Goodman.

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